The Tripartite Collective Agreement was initiated in 2009 at the state level between the Government of Armenia, RUEA and the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia. In the scope of social partnership, RUEA represents and promotes the interests of employers in Armenia.
The Government of Armenia, the Confederation of Trade Unions and the RUEA are social partners. The cooperation between RUEA and RA Government is implemented with main partner institutions: Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Ministry of Education and Sciences, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance and their subdivisions.
RUEA cooperates with mentioned institutions in following spheres:
• Improvements of business environment,
• Social-labour relations
• Decent work
• Employment promotion, including youth employment
• Promotion of the link between education and labour market
• Economic development projects, including promotion of SMEs and women entrepreneurship -
CTUA and RUEA, with Government of Armenia have signed tripartite social partnership agreement “National Collective Agreement” for the improvement of social-labour relations in the Republic of Armenia. Different projects have been implemented jointly with CTUA in the framework of Decent Work Country Program, employment, migration and trafficking, occupational safety and health.
On 5 December 2000 the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia adopted the Law “On Trade Unions” which was necessary for bringing the activity of the Confederation of trade unions of Armenia, the union of legal persons into accordance with the requirements of the law. With the same aim the 24 branch unions held their Congresses, were registered in the State Register as the branch republican unions of the professional organizations.
The activity of the Confederation of trade unions of Armenia became more efficient after the approval in 2004 the new Labour Code which regulates collective and individual labour relations, rights and obligations of two parts, their responsibility, as well as the securing of safety and health of workers.
In 2007 the Confederation of trade unions of Armenia affiliated 23 branch republican unions, 808 professional organizations with 29665 trade union members.
RUEA cooperates with international organizations in socio-economic sphere.
INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION (ILO)ILO has started cooperating with RUEA since 2008 in the following directions:• Fulfillment of ILO conventions' requirements and norms• "Decent Work" program• Promotion of tripartite social partnership• Occupational safety and health• Promotion of youth employment• Promotion of SMEs and women entrepreneurship• Labor migration• Green economy and green jobs• Formalization of enterprises• Creation of an enabling environment for sustainable enterprises• Development of professional education• Integration of people with disabilities into the labor market.
RUEA International Cooperation Network
RUEA has developed international cooperation network with employers' associations of about 25 countries abroad in order to promote business cooperation between countries and implement the best practices of social partnership in Armenia.
Business forums, conferences, business visits and meetings are regularly organized to promote B2B cooperation between RUEA members and foreign companies.